Keep Your ******* Hands Off My Food!

So in a story released yesterday, a woman and her partner got into a fight over who was eating all the fries… and it quickly escalated to the point where she STABBED HIM IN THE SHOULDER.  Newsflash… Alcohol may have played a factor.

So this goes well with our story yesterday about etiquette and how if you and I shared a meal, it would take every bit of my self control not to sample what's on your plate if it looks good.  That said, don't you DARE touch my food unless you ask and I say yes.  I'm aware this is a double standard.  I'm not perfect.

So what are your rules for food? Do you share? Do you believe in the 5 second rule? Is it ok to look in someone's fridge if you don't live there?  Is it ok to take the last of something without asking?  I want to hear from you… 559-228-1041.

In the meantime, click here for the fry eating stabber woman.

And here for "official" rules on food etiquette in the US because I care.